Hello again!  Welcome back to the historical look at how Blightmare has evolved over its development so far.  Last week I introduced the blog series a little bit and gave a teaser video of the first time we could swing the net.  Today we will take several steps forward to see how several mechanics first Continue Reading

Hello!  I’m Chris, one of the programmers on Blightmare.  I’ve been a professional game programmer for almost 10 years now ranging from AAA sports games to web games to mobile games.  I’ve always had a weakness for MMORPGs, starting with a text based one called Phatasia 4 to Dransik, Runescape, and of course WoW.  It Continue Reading

Hello Everyone, and welcome to our freshly rebuilt website.  This is the official home for all things Blightmare!  The team has been working really hard over the last several months navigating a multitude of challenges that life has thrown our way.  From moving across the country to job changes to new little ones, we’ve all Continue Reading