Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork (Part 1)
- Tuesday, September 29th, 2020
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Hello there! Chris here, back for another look at the inner workings of Blightmare’s development process. Today I’ll be discussing the tools and processes that we use to make sure we can all work effectively and efficiently whenever we have time. This is of particular importance for a small team, especially one that is spread Continue Reading
Terrain Outlines
- Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020
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Hello and welcome to another Blightmare development blog! Today’s post is a quick look at a programming topic: terrain outlines. In case anyone is wondering what this means, “terrain outlines” refers to the layer of tiles that completely rings the solid terrain in a level. The outline layer is a bit different than the interior Continue Reading
Indie Game Marketing: Part 2
- Tuesday, September 15th, 2020
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As we left off in the last business and marketing blog, for most indie developers, marketing is the most distasteful part of trying to make and sell a game. Unfortunately, even if it’s distasteful, it’s something that needs to be done in order to make a game successful. A team could make the greatest game Continue Reading
Painting the environment of Blightmare
- Wednesday, September 9th, 2020
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Andrew here with a second art update! I will be showcasing the simple procedure of creating environment art. Nothing too crazy! Hopefully it will show you that some things need not be too complicated. Lets do this in three simple steps. 1. Drawing the shape of an object! Below is your average forest shrub. Continue Reading
Indie Game Marketing: Part 1
- Tuesday, September 1st, 2020
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Hey all! We’ve shared a lot from the world of the developers, with details about how we calculate jumping physics, why we’ve refactored code, and a lot of other technical stuff that gives you some insight into the development of Blightmare. This week, we’re kicking off a new series, with some of the nitty Continue Reading