Hello and welcome back to another Blightmare dev blog!  Today is another entry in the ongoing series about lighting.  Specifically, this post is a followup to last week’s introduction to shadowing.  After last week, our test scene had some nice shadowed areas, but the shadowing was very harsh and today we’re going to try to Continue Reading

Hello and welcome back to another Blightmare dev blog!  This post is a continuation of our 2D lighting series which started with the basics here.  Last time we saw what a little bit of lighting could do to help our test scene pop a little bit, and today we’re going to make it even better Continue Reading

Hello and welcome back to another installment of the Blightmare Development Blog!  Today we will be beginning a series on 2D lighting that will show an in-depth look into how 2D lighting works, and how we are using it in Blightmare.  In this first post, we will start with the basics of what 2D lighting Continue Reading

Hello and welcome back to the Blightmare development blog!  Today’s post is about how we went about automatically generating shadow casters for our terrain.  In order to frame what I’m talking about, I think a picture is the best way.  Below, you can see a test scene with shadow casting enabled for some of the Continue Reading